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Friday, July 17, 2009

View from the top

5kms in a steep uphill climb is a great way to get back in hockey shape!

The view from the top was stunning. It's too bad I couldn't get it all
on camera. We saw more animals on the way back. So far we have seen
cariboos, bighorn sheep and a white tail deer. It's a bit creepy how
unafraid of humans they are.

We saw some weird birds too. I think they were Clark's nutcrackers and
stellar's jay. We also saw some black billed magpies. Oh and the
squirrels around here are different too. They look a bit like baby
groundhogs but with a tail. :) They are called Columbia Ground

Anyhow We finished the hike in 3.5 hours which is pretty good. We are
absolutely starving and looking forward to relax around the campfire

Have a good weekend everyone!

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