Dipping our toes in the Pacific Ocean with the surfers was incredible.
The people here are so nice and made us feel right at home. We wish we
had a few more days to spare to keep exploring the area. The little
shops and cafes are right up our alley. Jeff you would laugh your head
off seeing this place. Everything smells like incense and patchouli
but with saltwater smell mixed in. A total Steph place. There's
probably more vw buses here than there will be at the Volksfest.
One thing is for sure, we want to come back. Honeymoon perhaps??? :)
Now we are off to Cathedral Grove to see the monster trees. I'll
probably hug one. Won't be able to resist. There's someting magical
about trees that old.
Anyhow, holy crap we have a gorgeous country. I mean I knew that
before leaving but actually seeing it is intense. I love how wherever
we go, there is a commonality however dramatic the landscape changes.
We saw kids playing road hockey in Winnipeg and Victoria. We saw the
annoying strip malls with the same stores from Northern Ontario to
Nanaimo. ( I hate those. I mean really I didnt drive 5000 kms to go
shop at a Moores. We need to do something about that and support the
independant shops). We saw rocks and trees and lakes everywhere along
the way. This country's culture revolves around its landscape and wow
is it ever an impressive one.
I've always been a tree hugger but now more than ever I see how
without those clean lakes and clear skies and thick forests, Canada
would lose its soul.
Hang Loose.